Monday, April 14, 2008

A few observations

I have a set of thoughts which continue to reappear and these are spread over the large set of my activities. 'Thoughts' could be broadly classified as the ones that cause the fear in me and those which trickle my fantasies to the extent of making them appear real.

I consider myself still an amateur and also lazily stay away from that little straining of my mind to aptly articulate my thoughts. Without spoiling the intent of this initiation I could list some of them immediately like ...
  • afraid to talk to a girl who would be saying - 'I should go', in a conceivable future.
  • afraid that I lose my dreams and would later have to convince my selves that it couldn't have been done the other way.
  • concerned that I would be a victim of circumstances rather than able to control them.
And then I pondered over the above list only to find that the last two conveyed a superficial meaning and the first one definitely shows off how amateur I am. Strictly speaking I am not flowing with the reality and I don't want to be unfortunate because of this. I am, could be carried away by all these sweet movies which seem to exaggerate the emotions flying in a human mind or could be drowned in an illusory bubble created by myself. Reality is much more simple and its me who is making the journey difficult by entangling myself with this huge number of ideas/dreams whatever.

From the bottom of my heart I hate pondering on such issues and my old friends would feel weird to see me blogging on topics of this dimension. From the same bottom I couldn't help getting hit again and again by these things and to stay composed despite feeling this way would be against my newly updated principles.

These observations shall keep coming up. Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum.

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